Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Calculator (ENIAC)
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) was designed by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert in 1946 at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. It was the first electronic computer. ENIAC was initially built for the United States military to calculate the paths of artillery shells. It contained 18000 vacuum tubes, 7200 crystal diodes, 1500 relays, 70000 resistors, 10000 capacitors and around 5 million hand-soldered joints. It weighed nearly 30 tons and consumed 160 kW of power. Input was possible from an IBM card reader while an IBM punch card was used for output.

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) was designed by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert in 1946 at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. It was the first electronic computer. ENIAC was initially built for the United States military to calculate the paths of artillery shells. It contained 18000 vacuum tubes, 7200 crystal diodes, 1500 relays, 70000 resistors, 10000 capacitors and around 5 million hand-soldered joints. It weighed nearly 30 tons and consumed 160 kW of power. Input was possible from an IBM card reader while an IBM punch card was used for output.
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